Monday, June 21, 2010

The World According To Lynn -- Part II

Add equal parts Lucy Ricardo, Linda Richman, and Roger Ebert and you might get something like this:

I'm Lynn.  And this is my Blog (a word I destest by the way, but we'll touch on that later).  I'm a middle aged wife/mother/writer who (for better or worse - I'll let you decide) has an opinion on EVERYTHING, from existential philosophy to pop culture to haute cuisine.  Got a topic?  Bring it on.  I'm always up for a challenging and robust debate.  Think Christopher Hitchens minus the snooty accent and greasy hair.

Stick around.  We'll be right back.


  1. Looking forward to reading more!

    Say hello to your family for me- I miss you!


  2. OK Lynn let's see what ya got! I won't start off with the real juicy stuff yet. So how do you feel about being the mother of a daughter who is beautiful and is about to embark on her adult life now that she has graduated from high school? In particular what are your greatest fears? Your greatest hopes? We will get to the secret feelings later in this blog......
